Saturday, September 1, 2012


Hello again, to all of my readers and followers. I am adding more to this blog to give you a little insight into my daily life as a freelance writer. First, I would like to apologize for having taken so long to update and add new posts here. My life has been action packed and hectic of late, so posting here and continuing with my writing of The Simple Man has had to take a back seat position for a while. I recently started my new career in freelance writing, and my first few projects were articles and advertisements for sites such as I wrote many articles describing many of Tumblr's clients and the products and services they had to offer. I found this was a great way to get my foot in the door, and attempt to build a small reputation for myself as a writer. The projects were short term turn around in design and gave me the experience of working on a deadline. They also offered a chance to receive positive feedback from the people who hired me to do the jobs. This feedback was used to help develop my next step in the field of writing. I was recently hired to become the editor for an online news publication called ValueWalk. This new position has allowed me to work full time from home, and also given me an inroad into the field of journalism. As the editor, I am responsible for proofreading and correctly editing all of our site content, as well as operating all of our site promotions. I also write on a daily basis for the site, in the fields of politics, finances, and technology. Being able to write and express my opinions on politics has been a definite boon to me, as I am very opinionated when it comes to how our nation should be governed. Being able to pass on valuable insight in regarding the stock market, global economy, and new advances in technology, has also proven to be rewarding. The job does have some awesome benefits, which include being able to work at home from my laptop, having the freedom to watch a movie, or listen to music while I work, and not having to make a daily commute to and from an office. A major downside can be the long hours and tedious days spent editing and writing to get an article worded just right, so that our readers find themselves more educated after reading it. I have pulled many 20 hour days trying to make sure that I am learning my job effectively and also working on other projects in the advertising field. To be sure, I save money by not driving to work every day, as my old Ford truck gets only about 10 miles per gallon. It is a welcome relief not to have to spend $150 per week for fuel, just so I can get to work. However, I also earn a little bit less on my gross paycheck, mainly because I am still very new to this field. I don't mind the pay cut, as I know that over time I will learn more, and increase my earnings comparably. The benefits of working from home far outweigh the downside, at least for me. Many of you may be wondering how I began this career of working at home, and I will be happy to share my story with you. I started by doing as many of you have done. I filled out countless surveys in search of the elusive paycheck that so many sites promise you can earn from home. I answered question after question, only to find that my earnings were not what I needed in order for me to be fairly compensated for my time. I had almost given up on finding a way to earn, even a meager living from home, when I found the answer to my questions. I stumbled across a website called and decided I would give it a shot, as it was free to get started. What I found here was different from every other website I had visited. Instead of asking me to fill out stupid surveys, I found a site which had real jobs you can apply for, with real people who pay real paychecks sponsoring them. I spent several days carefully bidding on jobs I felt I would be good at doing, and my third day on the site, I was hired to write my first articles. I earned a little less than $200 my first week, as I was new to the work, and had a lot to learn about the guidelines of article writing. Ever since finding this website, I have been extremely pleased with their service and with the clients I have worked for as a contractor. Any time I had a question regarding Elance, their live customer service representatives have helped me get the answers I need. They pay directly to my bank account, via PayPal, or they will mail a paper check, whichever I prefer. If you are seeking a way to work from home, I highly suggest you give Elance a try. Be careful bidding on jobs at first, and only take on what you know you can handle. You can easily get overloaded by accepting too many projects, and you will find yourself working through the night. Well, there is a little insight into my daily life. I hope you have found it both interesting and insightful. Thanks for reading, and I will see you next time.